Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society
No. 1 (33) 2005 (240 p.)
We hereby announce publication and circulation of the Bulletin of the
Russian Philosophical Society No. 2, 2005 (Editor-in-Chief, Professor
A. N. Chumakov; Executive Secretary, Professor
N. Z. Yaroschuk). This issue opens publication of proceedings of the Fourth
Russian Congress of Philosophy Philosophy
and the Future of Civilisation held from May 24 to May 28, 2005
on the grounds of the Moscow State Lomonosov University.
The opening Editor’s Column is
titled The Recent Congress as a Cause for
Under the column Summarising the
Fourth Russian Congress of Philosophy read the general information about
and The Final Resolution of the
Congress. Among the addresses to the Congress participants published in this
section are those by President V. V. Putin, Chair of the State Duma
B. V. Gryzlov, Chair of the Council of Federation
S. M. Mironov, Presidential Envoy to the Central Federal District
G. Poltavchenko, Moscow Mayor Yu. M. Luzhkov, Deputy Prime
Minister A. Zhukov. One can also read about the organisational session
(general meeting) of the Russian Philosophical Society that heard, discussed
and approved the accounts of the Presidium and of the Revisory Board, elected
the President, First Vice President and the Chief Scientific Secretary, as well
as the new Presidium and Revisory Board, amended the RPhS Statute and decided
to hold the Fifth Russian Congress of Philosophy in 2009 in Novosibirsk. The
first meeting of the new Presidium elected the RPhS vice presidents.
Published here are also the Account
of the RPhS Presidium presented by RPhS First Vice President
A. N. Chumakov; membership lists of the RPhS governing bodies, viz.
the Presidium and the Revisory Board; the amended RPhS Statute; the plenary
papers by Academician V. A. Sadovnichy, Rector, Moscow State
Lomonosov University, on Knowledge and
Wisdom in the Globalising World, and A. S. Karmin, Professor of
Applied Psychology and Sociology, St. Petersburg State University for
Means of Communication, on Philosophy of
Culture in the Informational Society: Problems and Prospects.
Opinions, Judgements
and Impressions of the Congress include those by
Prof. I. A. Gobozov, Professor, Moscow State University;
Prof. V. I. Przhilensky, Chair, RPhS Stavropol Branch;
I. I. Kondrashin, Ph.D. (Moscow); Prof. V. F. Druzhinin,
Moscow Region State University, Editor, Philosophical
Gazette; Prof. A. P. Romanova, Astrakhan University;
Prof. I. I. Bulychov, Chair, RPhS Tambov Branch;
V. M. Adrov, State Councillor (Moscow and Astrakhan);
O. V. Malyukova, Chair, Department of History and Philosophy, Moscow
State University of Engineering Ecology, Prof. V. N. Porus,
State University – Higher School of Economics (Moscow);
Assoc. Prof. M. G. Kurbanov (Makhachkala).
Information about
Sections, Round Tables, Colloquia, and Symposia
includes Marxism: Past, Present and
Future by Prof. D. V. Dzhokhadze (Moscow); Latin America and Europe Meeting at the
Fourth Russian Congress of Philosophy by Ye. M. Belotsvetova,
Student, Russian University of People’s Friendship; Philosophy to Children: Russian Landmarks by
Prof. S. I. Levikova (Moscow); Philosophy as Ideology and Culture of Humanistic Discourse by
Prof. V. A. Kuvakin (Moscow) and
Prof. V. D. Zhukotsky (Nizhnevartovsk); Post-Modernism and the Definition of Art by
Assoc. Prof. S. B. Kozhevnikov, Kuban State University
(Krasnodar); Youth at the Congress by
D. G. Shkayev and D. V. Yurkov, Students, Russian
University of People’s Friendship.
Information from the
RPhS Regional Branches and Organisations
includes materials about the seminar on the Dialectics
of Being and Creative Activities in Ufa; the activities of the RPhS Tynda
Branch in 2004; the tenth anniversary of the RPhS Neryungri Branch in
The Events and Comments column
informs of the Sartre Readings held at the Rostov University to commemorate
Jean-Paul Sartre’s centenary; the InternationalDays of the Philosophical
Faculty 2005 in Kiev; the activities of the recently established Free
Philosophers Section (Irkutsk).
In the Philosophy in UNESCO
section read UNESCO Director General Koitiro Matsuura’s speech on
intersectorial strategy in philosophy and other papers related to teaching
philosophy throughout the world and progress in philosophical research.
In the Problems of Teaching
Philosophy section read about the UNESCO Expert Group that met in Moscow in
January 2005 to discuss problems of teaching ethics and bioethics.
Under the new column Managing
Education: Contemporary Approaches read Managing
Education: Decision-Making in Educational Activity by
Prof. G. V. Sorina (Moscow) and What Has Happened, or On the Evil of the Day by
V. I. Krasikov (Kemerovo).
The Philosophical Life in
Near-Abroad section informs of the conference on Christianity and Neighbourly Cooperation of Spiritual Values in the
European Community in Minsk (Belarus).
In the Experience of Philosophical
Cooperation section read A Chinese
Scholar’s View of the Contemporary Russian Philosophy by An Tsinnan
(Peking, China)
The Global Studies column
informs of the latest sessions of Seminar on Philosophical and Methodological Studies of Processes of Globalisation
(Moscow) discussing papers Global Studies
and Palindromes by A. V. Bubnov, D. Philological Sc., and Cycles and Waves of Global History by
Prof. V. G. Pantin; read also Pr. Meadows’
Lecture at the Mendeleyev University and Elaboration of His Ideas in Russia
by A. P. Fedotov, D. Technical Sc. (Moscow).
Under the Society and Terrorism
column read Rebels and Terrorists: The
Dialectics of the Guerilla Warfare by Ye. S. Troitsky,
D. Philos. Sc. (Moscow).
The section From the History of
Russian Philosophy presents Traditions
and Paradoxes of Russian Historiosophy (Chaadayev, Berdyaev, Panarin) by
A. A. Antipov, Dept. of Philosophy, The Northern International
University (Magadan).
In Kant and Our Time section
read Kant’s Eternal Peace and the Right
to Lie by Assoc. Pr. A. G. Myasnikov (Penza).
In Responses to Our Publications
read Matter: How It Is to Be Understood
by Assoc. Pr. T. S. Lapina (Moscow).
Polemics continue with A Few Words About
One Attempt to Make Lenin’s Definition of Matter More Precise by
V. Komarov (Kazan).
Under the Position column
Prof. V. A. Kuvakin (Moscow) concludes his controversial Lenin: Effect of an Unexploded Bomb.
On the Sore Issue publishes the final part of What
Our Philosophers Grieve Over And Suffer From? by
Prof. N. S. Rybakov (Pskov).
In the Standpoint section read
The Unholy Trinity: On the Main
Constituents of Russian Mentality by A. G. Dybin, Member, RPhS
Published By Way of Discussion
are The Conditions of Philosopher in
Contemporary Russia by Assoc. Pr. L. P. Rychkova
(Krasnoyarsk); The ‘Evolotionary Hour’ of
Russian Philosophy Has Struck: Wanted Rehabilitation of Russian Cultural
Potentials by K. S. Khrutsky, Ph.D. (Veliky Novgorod); Sociophilosophical Analysis of Leadership
Techniques in the Consumers’ Cooperation System by
Pr. G. V. Brazhnik (Moscow); The
Russian Family Today by Assoc. Pr. L. I. Maneshina
(Moscow); The Problem of Man’s Real
Resurrection: The Philosophical and Scientific Aspects by Pr. I. V. Vishev
(Chelyabinsk); On ‘Pluralism’ in
Philosophy and the Attainment of Truth by
Pr. G. N. Gumnitsky and Pr. M. G. Zelentsova
In The Topical Issue section
read The Problems of Ethics in Democratic
Elections by Ye. R. Artemyev, a philologist, and
Ye. L. Tyurin, Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics) (Moscow); The Russian
Electronic Journal of Philosophy, a Journal for Russia and Russian Future by
Assoc. Pr. K. S. Khrutsky (Veliky Novgorod) and
Assoc. Pr. A. G. Samarin (Moscow).
The Important Talks are by
Pr. N. Kh. Rozov and A. P. Levich,
Doct. Biological Sc. on What Do
We Expect From the Study of Time; and by
Assoc. Pr. I. B. Przhilenskaya (Stavropol) on Social Archaization and the Strategy for
Under the Philosophy and Culture
column read Existentialism of Dance
by O. S. Vasilyev, Ph.D. (Moscow).
In the Memory section read The Great
Is Seen at a Distance by V. N. Molchanov (Moscow) about
Yu. P. Trusov (the decennial of demise).
Under the Feedback column Pr. V. F. Druzhinin (Moscow) reviews
RPhS Bulletin No. 1, 2005.
The Young Philosopher’s Page
presents N. G. Sinagova, doctoral student from Yekaterinburg, and her
Philosophical Anthropology of Roman
Satire as a Topic of Research.
Under the Philosophy in the Internet column read Under WWW by D. G. Shkayev (Moscow).
Under the New Notions and Terms
column (supervised by Pr. Mikhail Epstein, Atlanta, USA) read the
concluding part of Sophian Disciplines.
Mentioned as Noteworthy is information about the first issue of Philosophical Gazette; the All-Russian
Seminar on the Situational Approach in
Cognition (October 2005, Kazan); the All-Russian Conference on History and Philosophy of Science:
Interlinks – Paradigms and Discourses (January 2006, St. Petersburg);
the Days of Petersburg Philosophy (November 2005); the seminar on the Conceptual Foundations of Postnonclassical
Philosophy (Yakutsk); the Third International Conference on The Activist Notion of
Culture As a Form of Human Existence (December 2005, Nizhnevartovsk).
Read Useful
Information about master vacancies in the Russian State University of
See also book reviews, annotations, book announcements, information on
books and journals available at the Presidium of the Russian Philosophical
Society, doctoral (16) and candidate (73) dissertations in philosophy defended
in the second quarter of 2005.
In the Philosophers Joke Too column read the philosophical humoresque Congress in the Alps by Fyodor Selivanov
(Tyumen) and aphorisms by Vladimir Zamyshlyaev (Krasnoyarsk).
On the Poetic Page read verse by Leonid Stolovich (Tartu), Aleksandr
Dzyura (Norilsk), Marina Voronkova (Saratov).
Published also are letters of
congratulations on jubilees and obituaries.
Read also information about the RPhS membership in 2005. Like in other
issues of the Bulletin it is explained that the Russian Philosophical Society
counts as its members only those who have paid
the yearly membership fee and have been consequently included in the current
year membership list. They henceforward enjoy all the privileges of the Society
members, including subscription to the RPhS Bulletin. Full membership lists are
published yearly in RPhS Bulletin No. 3 for the year in question;
additions to the membership lists, in RPhS Bulletin No. 4.
The Bulletin’s subscription index in the Rospechat Catalogue is 79643.
Please, email your messages addressed to the RPhS Presidium and the RPhS
Bulletin Editorial Board to chumakov@logic.ru or rphs@iph.ras.ru. Our Internet website is www.logic.ru/~phil-soc. To contact the Editors, please, call
(095) 201-24-02.
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