of the Russian Philosophical Society
No. 4 (28) 2003 (220 p.)
We hereby announce
publication and circulation of the Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical
Society No. 4 2003 (Editor-in-Chief, Professor A. N. Chumakov;
Executive Secretary, Professor N. Z. Yaroschuk).
* * *
The opening pages of the Bulletin inform of the Russian nation-wide
conference of heads of departments of humanities and socioeconomic sciences
organized by the Ministry of Education, the Russian Federation, and housed by
the Lomonosov Moscow State University on 20-21 November 2003. Within the
framework of this conference a round table debated On the Quality of Teaching Philosophy in the Light of Elaborating the New-Generation
National Educational Standard: What Kind of Textbook on Philosophy Do We Need
Summing up the round table, the Presidium of the
Scientific-Methodological Council on Philosophy of the Ministry of Education,
the Russian Federation, and the editorial board of the Bulletin of the RPhS suggest the discussion of What Kind of Books on Philosophy Are Needed Today? be resumed on
the Bulletin’s pages.
All teachers of philosophy interested in the issue are
invited to send their deliberations to the editorial board. The preliminary
results of the debate will be considered by the joint meeting of the
Educational-Methodological Board, the Scientific-Methodological Council and the
Head Council on Philosophy scheduled to take place in St. Petersburg on 15
March 2004.
The next column is Summing-up the 21st World Congress of Philosophy and the Philosophy Ship
Project. A brief resume of the recent Congress “Philosophy Facing World
Problems” is followed by the review
(continued from the previous issue) of
the media coverage of the Philosophy Ship
and the Russian participants’ contribution to the Congress, including a list of
newspaper and journal publications and radio and TV broadcasts. We also published
revised data on the election of the FISP Steering Committee by the FISP General
Assembly (Istanbul, 13 August 2003) as provided by the International Federation
of the Philosophical Societies (FISP).
We continue publication of papers presented at the Congress plenary sessions with Modest Reflections on Hegemony and Global
Democracy by Iris Marion Young (the University of Chicago) and Towards Global Democracy by Michael
Pendlebury (the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg).
section of Responses and Opinions of the Participants of the Congress and the Philosophy Ship Project includes
analyses by Pr. A. N. Chumakov (Moscow),
Pr. M. I. Bilalov (Makhachkala), V. K. Yegorov, Ph.D.
(Moscow), Pr. V. S. Grekhnev (Moscow), Pr. N. V. Omelchenko
(Volgograd), F. T. Valishin (Kazan), Associate Professor
A. V. Mitrofanova (Moscow), Ye. B. Zolotykh, Ph.D.
(Geology) (Moscow), Pr. V. L. Kerov (Moscow),
L. Ye. Grinin, D.Sc. (Volgograd).
The section on the UNESCO Philosophy Day informs of
the events that marked this important occasion in Russia, viz. the joint
meeting of the UNISCO Moscow Bureau, the Russian Philosophical Society and the
Inter-disciplinary Section of the Russian Znanie
(“Knowledge”) Society; a symposium at the Institute of Philosophy, the Russian
Academy of Sciences; a meeting of the Murmansk RPhS Branch; festivities at the
Faculty of Philosophy and Social Techniques, the Volgograd State University. We
also publish a poem by Boris Nikolaichev (Moscow) commemorating the event.
from the RPhS Regional Branches and Organisations includes materials about a
session of the Krasnoyarsk RPhS Branch summing up the 21st World Congress of
Philosophy; a session of the Novorossiysk Philosophical Society commemorating
the 140th anniversary of the notable Russian Philosopher Prince
Ye. N. Trubetskoy; the heoretical conference on Philosophy and Science held by the Moscow Philosophical Society and
housed by the Institute of Philosophy, the Russian Academy of Sciences; the 2nd
Day of Petersburg Philosophy; the agenda of the Philosophy of the Art of
Movement Section (Moscow); the activities of the Buryat, Saratov and Tatarstan
RPhS Branches and the Philosophical Society of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya)
in 2003.
Events and Comments column informs of the International Workshop-Seminar on Problems of Creating Regional Encyclopaedias
in St. Petersburg; the agenda of the Third Season in Philosophical Café at the Krasnoyarsk Culture-and-History
Museum Centre Na strelke (“On the
Promontory”); the International Conference on Continual Algebraic Logics, Calculi and Neuroinformatics in Science and
Technology (KLIN-2003) in
memoriam A. N. Kolmogorov in Ulyanovsk; the opening issue of the
students’ journal Vita Cogitans published by
the St. Petersburg Philosophical Society.
The Jubilee column publishes a piece And We Do Not Know Yet What He Will Say
by the philosopher and publicist Yuri Karyakin commemorating the 85th
anniversary of A. N. Solzhenitsyn.
The Problems of Teaching Philosophy section is given
to The Expert Groups as Forms of
Students’ Self-Testing by Pr. G. V. Sorina (Moscow) that
discusses organisation of students’ practical work in general humanities and
socioeconomic disciplines as defined by the Second-Generation National
Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education.
of Topical Issues continues with Humanism
of the Humanitarian Education by Pr. M. S. Uvarov
(St. Petersburg).
By Way of Discussion are On the Essence
of Scientific Notions by V. L. Kissel (Moscow), Person as a Philosophical and
Anthropological Category by A. G. Pyrin (Moscow), Contemporary Models of Youth Socialisation:
Conceptual Approaches by V. P. Lenshin (Moscow), The Question of Subject by
A. A. Yevtushenko (Vladivistok), Science
or Non-Science? by Associate Professor V. D. Ruta (Moscow).
to Our Publications include What Is
Religion?: Deliberation on the Nature of Religious Experience by Mikhail
Sergeyev, Ph.D. (Philadelphia, the USA).
This issue’s Remark is by V. D. Ivshin
(Moscow) on the subject of Who Is the
‘Father of Philosophy’?
Published in the Raising a Problem column is the final section of The
Contradictions in Entrepreneurial Ethics and the Ways of Their Solutions by
Prof. V. N. Porus (Moscow).
This issue’s Important Talk is On Belief, Disbelief and Politics in Russia and the
Prof. O. V. Chistyakova (Novorossiysk, continued from the
previous issue) followed by Does Russia Have a
Future? by S. P. Ivanenkov
(St. Petersburg).
The Youth and Philosophy. The 21st Century column
includes papers by E. M. Belotsvetova, a student of the Moscow
University of Peoples’ Friendship on Normative
Ethics of Business Partnership presented at the International Conference on
Philosophy and Ethics of Business:
Education, Theory and Practice and by A. V. Lebedev, a student of
the GUGN-University on Eschatology of
Shiism and Its Influence on the Policies of Iran.
way of Pursuing the Subject we publish articles Humanising
Biological Education as an Essential Part of Mankind’s Survival Strategy by
Pr. M. V. Gusev, Ye. R. Kartashova,
Ph.D. (Biology), A. V. Oleskin, D.Sc. (Biology) (Moscow) and Education of Pupils in Traditions of
Orthodox Christianity by N. S. Malyakova, Ph.D. (Pedagogic)
Mentioned as Noteworthy is information on the
forthcoming discussion of the Global
Studies Encyclopedia at a meeting of the Scientists’ Club scheduled for 5
February 2004; on International Conference Kantian
Readings: Kant between West and East (22-24 April 2004, Kaliningrad); on
the Russian Nation-wide Workshop on Problems
of Social Humanism: History and Modernity. The Fourth Marxist Readings (22
April 2004, Nizhnevartovsk).
Read Useful Information on the future activities of
the RPhS Virtual Studies
Section scheduled for January-May 2004.
In the Feedback section read the review of the RPhS
Bulletin No. 2 (2003) by Pr. V. F. Druzhinin (Moscow).
We open a new column, New Notions and Terms, to be
supervised by Mikhail Epstein (Atlanta, the USA).
See also book reviews, annotations, book announcements, information on
books and journals available at the Presidium of the Russian Philosophical
Society, on The Philosopher, a
journal published by the English Philosophical Society, on the doctoral and
candidate dissertations in philosophy defended in the fourth quarter of 2003.
In the Philosophers Joke Too column read philosophical jokes by Liliya
Yegorova, a student from Kazan and excerpts from Uncle Liu’s Short but
Truthful Stories about the Glorious Board-mates of the Philosophy Ship
(from the Yekaterinburg-published almanac
On the Poetic Page one will find verses by Nathan Solodukho (Kazan) and
Dmitry Vorobyov (Cheboksary).
Read also letters of congratulations on various occasions (jubilees, awards and
other notable events) and obituaries.
We also publish the RPhS Conferences Plan for the Year 2004 (85
conferences), Supplement to the RPhS Structure and Additions to the RPhS
Membership List (4,252 members).
Readers are advised of the amount of membership fee for the year 2004
and the payment procedure. Like in every other issue of the Bulletin, it is
explained that the Russian Philosophical Society counts as its members only
those who have paid the yearly membership fee and have been
consequently included in the current year membership list. They henceforward
enjoy all the privileges of the RPhS members, including subscription to the
RPhS Bulletin. Full membership list is published yearly in RPhS Bulletin
No. 3 for the year in question. Additions to the membership list are to be
found in RPhS Bulletin No. 4.
The Bulletin’s subscription index in the Rospechat Catalogue is 79643.
Please, email your messages addressed to the RPhS Presidium and the RPhS
Bulletin Editorial Board to chumakov@logic.ru.
Our Internet website is www.logic.ru/~phil-soc. To contact the Editors,
please, call (095) 201‑24‑02.