Bulletin We hereby announce
publication and circulation of the Bulletin of the Russian
Philosophical Society No. 2, 2006 (Editor-in-Chief, Professor A. N. Chumakov; Executive Secretary, Professor N. Z. Yaroschuk). We dedicate this issue to
the three jubilees, viz. the 35th anniversary of the USSR Philosophical
Society, the 15th anniversary of the Russian Philosophical Society, and the
10th anniversary of the RPhS Bulletin. The first part of the
journal deals with the principal jubilee event, the All-Russian Conference on
Problems of Making Civil Society in
Russia: The Role and Duty of Philosophy held in Moscow Oblast from 25 to
28 May 2006. Please, read information about the proceedings of the conference
and the list of 72 members to have received Certificates of Honour for their personal contributions in the activities
of the Russian Philosophical Society, as well as congratulatory letters
addressed to the RPhS Presidium and the RPhS Bulletin Editorial Board. The reader will also find
the verbatim record of the opening speech by Pr. A. N. Chumakov, RPhS First Vice-President, titled The Russian Philosophical Society: From the Past to the Future;
and summaries of the plenary speech by Pr. A. V. Pertsev, RPhS Vice-President and Dean, Faculty of Philosophy, the
Urals State University (Yekaterinburg), on Russian Philosophers as a Community; and the speech by Pr. Ye. M. Malikitov, President,
International Znanie
Association, on Learning to Live in the
21st Century. Speeches, Opinions and Judgements include materials by Pr. V. A. Kuvakin, President,
Russian Humanist Society (Moscow) on The
Mission of Philosophy in Russia: The 21st Century; Pr. M. I. Bilalov, Chairman, RPhS Dagestan Branch (Makhachkala),
On Fruitfulness of Critical Refklection; Pr. G. V. Drach, Dean, Faculty
of Philosophy, Rostov State University (Rostov-on-Don) on Philosophy
and Civic Self-Consciousness; Pr. V. A. Konev, Chairman, RPhS Samara Branch, on What Is Our Way to the Civil Society?; Assoc. Pr. I. I. Ivanova, Chairperson, RPhS Kyrgyz Branch (Bishkek) on Philosophy Today: Should We Seek to Save It or Save Ourselves with
Its Help?; Pr. M. D. Shchelkunov, Chairman, RPhS Tatar Branch (Kazan), on Problems of Meking
Civil Society in Russia; Assoc. Pr. O. V. Chistyakova, Chairperson, RPhS Novorossiysk Branch (Novorossiysk), on RPhS as a Part of Civil Society; Pr. Ya. S. Yaskevich, Chairperson, RPhS Information
from the RPhS Regional Branches and Organisations includes materials about Inter-University Workshop Russian Religious Philosophy on Russia and
Its Fate (April, Novorossiysk); the activities of the Continuous Seminar
on Philosophy of Contemporary
Management (Krasnoyarsk); the activities of Interdisciplinary Seminar of Transhumanism
and Scientific Immortalism (Moscow); the
activities of RPhS Irkutsk and Udmurtiya Branches. Events and
Comments inform about the Eighth Ilyenkov Readings – 2006 ( Problems
of Teaching Philosophy present
controversial Meditations on the New
Candidate Examination by Pr. V. I. Przhilensky (Stavropol); How to
Save University Philosophy& by S. S. Peruansky, Cand. Phys.-Math. Sc. ( Read Managing Education: Contemporary
Approaches for an interview with
Pr. S. D. Nikolayev, Rector, Opinions
of Foreign Colleagues include Ideological Russian Philology in Poland
by Andrzej
de Lazari, Editor,
Russo-Polish-English Lexicon ( Read Civil Society for an interview with Academician T. I. Oyzerman and Intellectual Superiority Underrated
(Reading the 2006 Federal Assembly Address) by S. A. Sharakshané, RPhS Member ( Philosophy
and Contemporary World present Philosophical Foundations of a World
Parliament by Pr. Glen T. Martin ( Responses
to Our Publications include Barbarianism in Grimaces of Civilisation
by Assoc. Pr. M. G. Kurbanov ( Position presents Work is
Air-conditioned GULAG by A. G. Pyrin ( Standpoint presents Leibniz:
To Substitute Sorites for Controversy by A. G. Voytov ( Read Raising an Issue for the concluding section (begun in RPhS
Bulletin, 2006:1/37) of Philosophy of
Economics Raises a Problem by Pr. Yu. M. Osipov and Published By Way of Discussion are Live Ethics:
Topical Contemporary Doctrine by Assoc. Pr. G. B. Svyatokhina (Ufa); Silence as a
Form of Love of Wisdom by S. A. Maltseva, D. Phil.
(St. Petersburg); Mystery as
Being, as Truth in Itself by Pr. V. I. Kholodny (Moscow); Necessity of Philosophy by I. L. Alekseyev, RPhS Member (Tula); Philosophy as Presenter and Representative
of Secular Culture’s Spiritual and Moral Values by Pr. V. D. Zhukotsky (Nizhnevartovsk); Education
in the Age of Information by L. A. Zaytseva, Ph.D.
(Moscow); Education as a Philosophical
Category by N. S. Fomin, D. Pedag. Sc. ( Topical Issues are discussed in On Identity and
Duties of Russian Philosophy by Assoc. Pr. K. S. Khrutskoy (Novgorod) and
Novelty, Its Genesis and Development
by Ariz
Avyaz ogly Gezalov, Ph.D. (Baku).
Talk is by Assoc. Pr. A. G. Myasnikov ( A new column Philosophical Anthropology presents Inexhaustibility
of Anthropological Experience by Pr. P. S. Gurevich ( Pursuing
the Topic, T. V. Kuznetsova, D. Phil., deliberates Ancient Greeks’ Notion of Beauty. From the
History of Russian Philosophy
presents Philosophy in Post-Soviet
Russia by Pr. A. V. Yarakhtin ( Oriental
Philosophies present On a Specific Feature of Definition of
Notions in Indian Philosophy by Pr. V. K. Shokhin ( Union of
Philosophy and Natural Science
presents The 50th Anniversary of
Russell-Einstein Manifesto by M. A. Lebedev, Executive
Secretary, Russian Pugwash Committee, the Feedback presents analytical review of RPhS Bulletin 2006:1 by Pr. V. F. Druzhinin ( The Young Philosopher’s Page presents Brands
by R. M. Musayev, postgraduate student ( See Philosophy in the Internet for Philosophical
Preferences of Runet Users by
Assoc. Pr. I. Shkuratov ( Read Pro Memoria of Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Zinovyev and Moisey Samoilovich
Kagan. Mentioned
as Noteworthy is the first issue of Russian Philosophical Gazette. Read Useful
Information about
this year (2006) events at the National
Library (Plekhanov House). See also book
reviews, annotations, book announcements, information on new books and journals available at the RPhS Presidium,
books published by the We also present a Contemporary Foreign Journal Hekmat va falsafen (Wisdom and Philosophy). Among Philosophers Joke Too are Sergey Peruansky ( The Poetic
Page presents
verse by Sergey Goncharuk (Moscow), Valery Shpak (Lugansk),
Lev Ovechyev (Pavlovo-Posad,
Moscow Oblast), and Vyacheslav Kirillov (Moscow). Published
also are letters
of congratulations on
jubilees and other notable events and obituaries. Read also requirements for
the RPhS membership for 2006. Like in other issues
of the Bulletin it is explained that the Russian Philosophical Society counts
as its members only those who have paid
the yearly membership fee and have been consequently included in the
current year membership list. They henceforward enjoy all the privileges of
the Society members, including subscription to the RPhS Bulletin. Full membership lists are published yearly in RPhS Bulletin No. 3 for the year in
question; additions to the membership lists, in RPhS Bulletin No. 4. The Bulletin’s subscription index in the Rospechat Catalogue is 79643. Please, send your e-mail messages addressed
to the RPhS Presidium and the RPhS Bulletin Editorial Board to chumakov@logic.ru and/or rphs@iph.ras.ru. Our Internet website is www.logic.ru/~phil-soc. To contact the Editors, please, call (495) 201-24-02 or (495)
203-92-98. |
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